Toronto Raptors Gold Pendant and How it Was Sold

It had been a long time since Toronto had the opportunity to relish in the spotlight of any major sport. Most people will remember the Blue Jays back to back world series run, however there is a whole new generation of adults that have populated the earth since then. 

Raptors fever was something of a wave that hit Toronto this past year. It was during this time where Valencia Jewellery came across a beautiful Raptors pendant. A 10 Karat yellow gold retro raptors pendant was the center of attention at the shop during these months. Valued at $3900 CAD, it seemed a little out of the reach of a casual Raptors fans to scoop.

However, the deeper we went into the playoffs, the more people would stare at this piece. Until one day Kawhi Leonard hit the shot of a lifetime, game 7 at the ScotiaBank Arena in the face of Joel Embid, sparking a never before seen shock wave of excitement across Canada, over the Raptors.


It was then when owner of Valencia Jewellery Alvaro Valencia, decided this pendant had a lot of promotional potential, however he was unsure how to go about marketing it. All of the sudden the idea to GIVE AWAY the pendant hit him.

Valencia Jewellery then decided to post the retro pendant to instagram and ask our followers to guess the final score of game 5 of the NBA finals.

Over 175 people put forth their predictions for game 5 of Golden State Warriors vs the Toronto Raptors, however to our surprise, not a single person guessed the correct score. It was then we decided that we would continue running this promotion until the NBA finals were over. The following week in Game 6 we had just as many people comment their prediction. It was then when a customer had gotten wind of all the buzz over this pendant and visited the store to check it out...One time, he laid down the cash and took home this piece. 

Goes to show the power of online promotion and the potential free merchandise has to draw an audience.
Hope you enjoyed this entry. Next week we will introduce you to our customer Mr. Fantastic whom we made a $10, 000 custom diamond and gold ring.
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VALENCIA JEWELLERY JOINS THE RAPTORS’ FEVER!! WIN A #10k 60gram GOLD PENDANT ($3,900) IF YOU’RE THE FIRST TO COMMENT THE WINNING SCORE FOR #raptorsvswarriors GAME 6 ON THIS POST....YOU WIN!!! Rules: 1) It must be the score at the end of regulation time (only one guess per person) 2) You must tag at least three friends 3) You must be following @valencia_jewellery @valencia_jewellery @valencia_jewellery @valencia_jewellery @valencia_jewellery @valencia_jewellery 4) Deadline is tip off #torontoraptors #raptorsnation #torontoraptorsovo #torontoraptorsbasketball #the6 #game6ix #pendant #gold #topchoice2019 #givaway #guessthescore #raptors #letsgoraptors🏀 #gamesix #raptorsofinstagram #letsgoraptors #ontario #historyinthemaking2019 #valenciajewellery #toronto #jewelleryaddict #jewellery #jewellerydesign #customjewellery #championship #nba #mississauga #cooksville #

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